Do you have a need to market your company or services to the case management community?
Would you like an excellent, affordable marketing opportunity?
We have put together an excellent, affordable corporate sponsorship program which includes the following: Ad in every issue of CMSA NEWS (bi-monthly electronic newsletter sent to approximately 300 members and non-members) Featured once per year in the newsletter in the "Vendor Spotlight" which includes exclusive information about your company. For details on becoming a Corporate Sponsor, contact Toni Collier.
Would you like an excellent, affordable marketing opportunity?
We have put together an excellent, affordable corporate sponsorship program which includes the following: Ad in every issue of CMSA NEWS (bi-monthly electronic newsletter sent to approximately 300 members and non-members) Featured once per year in the newsletter in the "Vendor Spotlight" which includes exclusive information about your company. For details on becoming a Corporate Sponsor, contact Toni Collier.
Joining The Middle Tennessee CMSA Corporate Sponsorship Program
The Middle Tennessee Chapter of CMSA would love for your company to join our Corporate Sponsorship Program. Included with Corporate Sponsorship are the following benefits:
To learn more about becoming a Corporate Sponsor please click here.
For your convenience, you may pay using a debit/credit card by clicking the "Pay Now" Button below.
- Banner Ad on our website
- Verbal recognition at all CMSA meetings and functions as a Corporate Sponsor
- An ad in our e-newsletter (goes out to approximately 300 people and/or businesses monthly; this includes local hospitals, most insurance companies, and local case managers)
- An opportunity to distribute literature about your company at our meetings
- You will be encouraged to submit information for our newsletter and to post any new and exciting information about your company, such as products, services or techniques, special presentations or events, etc. on our website.
To learn more about becoming a Corporate Sponsor please click here.
For your convenience, you may pay using a debit/credit card by clicking the "Pay Now" Button below.